Since 1965, we have supported individuals and families to achieve stability and rise out of poverty. Yet, the challenges in our community today are intensifying.
To address this, our vision is to deepen and broaden our impact over the next three years through innovative strategies and new initiatives which arise from our strategic planning. We will continue to grow as a recognized community leader, partner and convener, helping to break the poverty cycle in Vermont.
Some exciting new initiatives are already underway to make this vision a reality. We’re pursuing new ideas in transportation, a constant barrier for low-income families and individuals in our rural state. Our goal is to develop innovative solutions that increase access to transportation while reducing cost and environmental impact.
We’re addressing the role of trauma and mental health in generational poverty with the introduction of trauma-informed care in early education and a goal of incorporating trauma-informed practice throughout the organization. With a sharpened understanding of trauma, we can better help our program participants while breaking the stigma around mental health, substance abuse and poverty.
In recognition that our communities are stronger when more diverse voices are heard, we will help develop the next generation of community action leaders. To empower the people we serve, we will further engage our participants in the leadership of our organization, and their self-advocacy. With our eyes to the future we will bring new energy to community action by activating the workforce of tomorrow.
Join us in shining the light of hope, security, and empowerment for Vermonters, and for the future of our state. A brighter future is within reach!