Financial & Energy Coaching
GreenSavingSmart launched in March of 2022 to provide free coaching services and assistance to low- to moderate-income individuals and families, and prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and New American communities. Coaches help to navigate the complex landscape of Vermont’s services and programs provided by energy efficiency utilities, financial institutions, local utility companies, fuel providers, and others.
This initiative, spearheaded by Capstone Community Action (Capstone) in Barre, will be delivered through the Vermont Community Action Partnership (VCAP), including BROC Community Action in Southwestern VT, Capstone in Central VT, Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) in Northwestern VT, Northeast Kingdom Community Action (NEKCA), and Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA). This network comprises the largest anti-poverty organization in Vermont.
To learn more about the program and enroll, visit: