Money Conversations 2/26 - 4/2/25
Fun and Free lunchtime sessions for anyone looking to learn about money management. Click description title or photo to get links.
Are you struggling financially and don’t know where to turn for assistance? Do you just want to learn how to better manage your finances?
Our financial coaches and counselors can direct you on a course for stability and help you understand your unique financial situation through:
Credit Coaching-building and rebuilding your credit to help you save money maximize your borrowing potential
Budgeting and Building a Savings Plan
Debt management including credit card, student loans, and more
Tailored-to-your-needs Financial Coaching
Tax preparation through our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program
Money Conversations Workshops: Get more comfortable learning and talking about money. Check out our Workshops and Training tab for our class schedule.
We work with individuals and couples on their personal and family finances as well as business finances for small business owners. We guide you through a variety of strategies, including savings and budgeting tools, and pull your credit report for both personal and business purposes.
We are now accepting in-person appointments for financial coaching. Masks are required. We also provide phone and Zoom consultations. There is no cost for our services if you meet our income eligibility requirements; however, we do not turn anyone away.
If you’d like to meet with a counselor, please fill out the intake form and submit. A counselor will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
In Washington and Orange counties, contact Rosie (Manning) Gray at 802-636-7752 or
In Lamoille county, contact Mary Johnson, "The Money Coach" at 802-760-8209 or
Capstone has two AFCPE Accredited Financial Counselors and two AFC Candidates in training on staff in the Barre office.
Who is AFCPE? Formed in 1983, the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education is the Nationally Recognized Leader in Financial Counseling and Education. Counselors are trained to work with clients through life-cycle financial education to create lasting behavior impact. AFC certification represents the highest standard in the field of financial counseling and education.
Join the talented Mary Johnson & Rosie Gray as they guide you through the ins and outs of all things MONEY! This is a FREE 6- week series offered to all on Wednesdays from Noon to 1pm. Dates for each session and series can be located on our Workshops page.
To sign up for a class or the entire series, please contact Rosie at 802-636-7752 or email
Week 1: Fraud, Scams and Record Keeping: How to utilize your tax return.
Week 2: Spending Plan & Budgeting: Who needs a Spending Plan/Budget? How to create one?
Week 3: How to Save: How to create a Savings plan. Ways to save.
Week 4: Credit, Credit Scores and More! What do they mean and why do we need one.
Week 5: Borrowing Wisely: The tips and tricks to borrowing.
Week 6: How to Steer Your Way to a Great Auto Purchase
Fun and Free lunchtime sessions for anyone looking to learn about money management. Click description title or photo to get links.