COVID-19 Response
Beginning in March 2020, Capstone’s goal was to maintain critical services while reducing the risk of exposure and virus spreading. Even when our doors were locked, we were open for business.
Each one of Capstone’s services and programs made adaptations to ensure the health and safety of staff and the greater central Vermont community. Employees changed how and where they worked, offering services in creative and innovative ways to address the needs of our participants.
As a result of the lockdown, Capstone Community Action worked with state and local partners to ensure swift solutions were made to address the immediate needs of securing food, shelter, financial stability, medical supplies, and transportation. Some of the ways were were able to support our community:
Established incident command centers
Made and delivered meals for those lacking transportation or needing to stay home
Secured housing for the homeless
Organized community vaccination clinics, partnered with the Vermont Dept. of Health
Provided stability to struggling business owners
Collaborated with area partners to distribute Equity Stimulus Payments to undocumented Vermonters
We also experienced the generosity of numerous businesses, organizations, town officials and concerned community members who even volunteered their time and energy, and provided financial donations to support the basic needs of fellow Vermonters.
Throughout the last two years and still today, staff continue to deliver Capstone’s mission with dignity, hope and empowerment in the face of adversity.
To learn more about our initial response during COVID-19 pandemic view our video.