After Hours Crisis Assistance

We provide after-hours emergency assistance with heating crises for individuals and families across Vermont.

Starting the last Saturday in November until the second Friday in April, on weekends or holidays:

  • If you run out of fuel and have a “vulnerable” household member (those who are 60 or over, disabled, or have children under 6 years of age) call 1-866-331-7741 toll-free between 8:30am-4:30pm

Starting the last Monday in November and runs from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm daily through April 30:

  • If you are homeowner and have an emergency furnace repair or replacement need on a call 1-877-295-7998

After midnight, the after-hours staff is available only for clients who are elderly, disabled, or have children under 6 years old living in the household.

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