Flood Recovery Support
If you are a flood survivor looking for assistance from the Disaster Case Management Program or are looking to refer a survivor for assistance, you may do so through this fillable form.
Capstone Community Action’s Disaster Case Management Program is FEMA funded. This program was established to assist survivors of the July 10 and July 11, 2023 with direct services help and long term help as they recover from that disaster.
Capstone Community Action is here to help residents of nine declared counties with resources as you build your lives post flood.
Capstone's Service Area
Capstone’s service area includes all towns of Washington, Lamoille and Orange Counties along with nine surrounding communities of Granville and Hancock in Addison County; Pittsfield in Rutland County and Barnard, Bethel, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon and Stockbridge in Windsor County.

Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is the Disaster Case Management Program (DCMP)?
A long-term disaster recovery program for people who are unable to manage or navigate their own recoveries. It is not a crisis response program. - What is the goal of the program?
To help restore flood affected households to a safe, sanitary, and livable situation, not to restore the home to the state it was in before the disaster occurred.
The Disaster Case Management Program (DCMP) also aims to assist tenants displaced by the disaster by helping them identify affordable housing, complete applications, and advocate on their behalf throughout the process. - How do I determine my eligibility?
This FEMA funded program targets individuals and families whose primary residence or place of work was in the impacted area at the time of the disaster and have verifiable disaster caused unmet need that cannot be met through other Federal, State, local disaster assistance or personal resources. Households that have relocated due to the disaster may be eligible for services. Fill out the referral survey linked here. - What are the local resources in my area?
Review the active list of long-term recovery groups listed below. - Do you have more questions?
You can contact Capstone Community Action's Disaster Case Management Program Manager, Eric Peterson via phone: 802-585-6094 or via email: epeterson@capstonevt.org
What is a Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRG)?
LTRGs bring together community organizations – such as nonprofits, faith-based organizations, government representatives and businesses – to help people with long-term recovery needs after a disaster.
Which LTRG helps people in my town or area?
- Northeast Kingdom (Essex County, Caledonia County and Orleans County):
- Lamoille County and Woodbury:
- Waterbury, Bolton, Duxbury, Middlesex and Moretown:
- Worcester, Calais, Cabot, Marshfield, Plainfield, Barre Town, Berlin, East Montpelier, Northfield, Roxbury, Warren, Fayston, Brookfield, Williamstown, Washington, Orange, Topsham and Waitsfield:
- Montpelier:
- Barre City:
- Corinth, Bradford, Chelsea, Vershire, West Fairlee, Fairlee, Randolph, Tunbridge, Strafford, Thetford, Rochester, Bethel, Royalton, Sharon, Norwich, Pittsfield, Stockbridge, Barnard, Pomfret, Hartford, Bridgewater, Woodstock, Hartland, Reading, West Windsor and Windsor:
- Weston, Andover, Chester, Peru, Landgrove, Londonderry, Windham, Winhall and Jamaica:
- Rutland County (except Pittsfield and Mount Holly):
- Rutland County is setting up a COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster).
- Mount Holly, Plymouth, Ludlow and Cavendish:
- Black River Recovery Services
- Richmond, Hinesburg, Huntington area Recovery After Floods Team (RAFT)
PDF: Chart of the LTRG
PDF: Map showing the Long-Term Recovery Groups around the State.
This PDF is not an accessible document. For a more accessible version of the information, read the text above. Download the map (2.5Mb).
* Updated as of December 17, 2024

For Flood Recovery Support through Capstone Community Action please contact:
Disaster Case Management Program Manager, Eric Peterson
Phone: 802-585-6094
Email: epeterson@capstonevt.org
The Disaster Case Management Program Team:
Capstone Community Action
- Associate Program Manager – Allissa Vigil
- Program Manager - Eric Peterson
- Data Manager – M. Matthews
- Construction Coordinators – Kevin Mudgett
- Case Managers
- Crystal Franklin
- Stephen Shippee
- Rudolph Zhong
Case Manager
- Tara Cancio-Bello
Case Manager