More About Academics
High School Status
The Brook Street High School has been granted approved education provider status by the Vermont Agency of Education. Our teacher is Vermont-licensed and holds a master’s degree in Effective Teaching.
Education Plans and High School Credit
Participating students remain enrolled in their area sending school but complete their programming at Brook Street High School. Upon student entry to the program, the Brook Street High School Director and sending school guidance counselor create an education plan outlining credits for the year and those required for graduation. When students complete the coursework outlined in the plan, credits are awarded and the student’s transcript is updated. All sending school classes and activities are open to Brook Street High School students. Students in their senior year can participate in all graduation activities including the graduation ceremony. Students receive a certificate of completion from Brook Street High School and are awarded a diploma by their sending school.
Instruction and Assessment
Instruction happens in both small group and individual settings and targets the different learning styles and needs of each student. Low student/teacher ratios ensure that students receive needed resources and support. Progress in each core area is documented by student portfolio work, program designed rubrics, and diagnostic assessments.
Community-based learning is promoted through student volunteer placements, job shadows and local field trips. We rely on a network of community partners to provide specialized programming. Examples include financial literacy classes led by Capstone Community Action financial coaches, a Vermont Arts Council - artists in schools residency program, and a UVM Extension food and nutrition education program. Parenting groups are led by mental health clinicians and area parenting education consultants.
College and Career Planning
While at Brook Street High School, students engage in career exploration activities. In addition to in-class activities, they can participate in informational interviews, job shadows and volunteer placements. We assist students in creating post-secondary plans that include preparing for and entering college, training programs, or the world of work. Through Vermont’s Dual Enrollment Program, students may take a free college course in their junior and senior year that earns them both high school and college credit.