Flood Relief Resources
Key Statewide Resources
- For all alerts in your area you may register for free at https://vem.vermont.gov/vtalert.
- For immediate help that is not an emergency: Dial 211 or visit Vermont211.org or text your zip code to 898211. https://vermont211.org/
- Flood specific resources and translated information for use before and after a flood is available at HealthVermont.gov/Flood
- Current road conditions and closures by New England 511: https://newengland511.org/.
- Important numbers:
- Medical, dental, behavioral health SAME DAY appointments: 802-888-5639
- Need someone to talk to: 802-888-5026
- Domestic or sexual violence: 802-888-5256
- Substance use: 802-851-8120
- Medical, dental, behavioral health SAME DAY appointments: 802-888-5639
- Vermont Emergency Management
- Emergency Preparedness Kit: https://vem.vermont.gov/preparedness/kit
- Community Preparedness Resources: https://vem.vermont.gov/prepar...
Heating fuel tank flood damage: Report any spills of hazardous materials (such as heating oil) that reached the ground or water so the Spills Program can assess the situation and support cleanup.
- 802-828-1138 (M-F 7:45 am to 4:30 pm)
- 800-641-5005 24-Hour HAZMAT Hotline after hours
- 800-424-8802 if there are any impacts or potential impacts to surface waters
Playgrounds: The recent floods may have affected the safety of playgrounds.
- Physical hazards
- Contaminants from flood water are unlikely to pose a risk, as germs do not live very long in sunlight and rain helps wash them away.
- It’s always a good idea to wash your hands after being in a playground. If children play in the dirt, try to prevent them from putting dirt in their mouths.
- If you see visible signs of chemical contamination, such as an oil sheen, do not use the playground and report this to the State of Vermont spills team: 802-828-1138.
- Reopening Outdoor Spaces After Flooding
Water Notices
For Barre City residents please visit https://www.barrecity.org
For Montpelier residents please visit https://www.montpelier-vt.org/
For Morrisville residents who are customers of Morrisville Water and Light Department, please visit https://www.mwlvt.com/
Washington County Resources
- Barre City Flood Resources
- Barre City Recovery Resources and Updates
- Support Options for Those Affected by Floods
Auditorium Shelter Closed: The shelter operated by the Red Cross at the Auditorium ceased operations Friday, August 4.
Capstone’s Food Shelf at 20 Gable Place, Barre is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 AM – 12 PM and 1 – 3 PM. Tuesdays fresh veggies and bread are available during the same hours.
Capstone Community Action is open in Barre and available by phone at 1-800-639-1053 or (802) 479-1053.
Enough Ministries has free meals and shelf stable food at their location from 9 AM – 12 PM for those in immediate need. Located at 24 Washington St, Barre at the back of the building. If you are residing at Econo Lodge, Pierre, Budget, Hollow, Quality Inn or Hilltop, Enough Ministries will deliver meals daily through the end of next week, Friday, 7/28.
Lamoille County Resources
Capstone’s Lamoille Integrated Services Center is open and available by phone at 1-800-639-8710 or (802) 888-7993. Staff are offering canned and bottled water, frozen meals, and infant formula Monday through Friday from 8 AM – 12 PM and 1 – 4:30 PM. Located at 250 Industrial Park Drive, Morristown.
Transportation in Lamoille:
Temporary bus service increase:
- Every Monday and Thursday
- Johnson to Morrisville
- 10:04: Highland & Westcomb
- 10:08 Vermont State Univ.
- 10:11 Comm. Housing School St.
- Return at noon
Need a ride somewhere else or some other time? Call 802-748-8170. All Johnson and Hardwick rides approved; no need to qualify.
Orange & Northern Windsor Counties Resources
Capstone Community Action is open in Bradford and available by phone at (802) 222-5419. Located at 22 Whistle Stop Way, Bradford.
Capstone Community Action is open in Randolph and available by phone at 1-800-846-9506 or (802) 728-9506. Located at 12 Prince Street, Suite A, Randolph.
The Randolph Area Food Shelf is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3 – 5 PM, Tuesday from 1 – 5 PM, and Thursday from 5 – 7 PM. Located at 12 Prince Street, Unit 3, Randolph.
Statewide Resources
Contact VT 211 by calling 2-1-1 or texting your zip code to 898211 or visit vermont211.org to connect with a wide range of support and services like housing, mental health support, transportation, food, and more. If you have trouble getting through, please call 866-652-4636 or 802-652-4636.
Contact Economic Services at 1-800-479-6151 or visit their website https://dcf.vermont.gov/esd/contact.
Visit the Vermont State resources page at https://www.vermont.gov/flood#gsc.tab=0.
Contact Area Agencies on Aging for information and support for people age 60+ and their families by calling 1-800-642-5119 or find your local agency at https://dcf.vermont.gov/contacts/partners/aaa.
Contact Community Action Agencies for support when you are in crisis, need housing and energy assistance, and more. Find your local office at https://vermontcap.org/find-help/.
Find local or statewide food resources through the VT Foodbank network by calling 1-800-585-2265 or visit www.vtfoodbank.org/agency-locator.
Free meals for all kids eighteen and under are available at locations around the state. For information on meals in your area, visit hungerfreevt.org/ summer-meals-site-lists, text FOOD to 304-304, or call 2-1-1.
Visit your local WIC office to replace July WIC food benefits that were lost due to Flooding. Ready to Feed infant formula is also available until drinking water is safe again. Local WIC offices are listed here: https://www.healthvermont.gov/local.
The State of Vermont is approved to allow 3SquaresVT participants to buy hot and hot prepared foods at SNAP-authorized retailers (grocery stores, general and convenience stores, farmers markets, etc.)
- This new and temporary change to what people can buy with 3SquaresVT is effective immediately and has just been extended through September 17, 2023.
- To find local SNAP-authorized retailers, click here.
3SquaresVT households who have lost food due to recent flooding or power outages can apply for 3SquareVT replacement benefits. Normally losses due to household misfortune must be requested within 10 days of the date of the disaster, or date power is restored. That timeline has been extended for the July 2023 catastrophic flooding event in Vermont. Replacement requests can now be submitted anytime through August 31, 2023.
Resources in Multiple Languages
Translated Videos on Flooding and Staying Safe, from the Vermont Language Justice Project:
Arabic. https://youtu.be/vm15hdu30MY
Dari https://youtu.be/vIzTzN6lK0I
English ( Closed Captions). https://youtu.be/uglF3z4nhqM
French. https://youtu.be/QHucKqz9XYc
Kirundi. https://youtu.be/lddRLJZmQ4E
Maay Maay. https://youtu.be/oi5Rr6ckbio
Mandarin. https://youtu.be/2llcoxBIBx8
Nepali https://youtu.be/8xVgXmuSsqE
Pashto https://youtu.be/6SHPyhmjN2o
Somali. https://youtu.be/L2HyxM80LJ4
Spanish. https://youtu.be/tEM-ZqQXdWE
Swahili. https://youtu.be/KYiEJARk-is
Vietnamese. https://youtu.be/49MYAW-GtTk
Tigrinya. https://youtu.be/20PI19j67Mo
Ukrainian. https://youtu.be/uZ47vSXK_m4
All Translated Videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtGuM3wrBhc&list=PL0uaGz81U--7XiSGftCBdoSMS29hPv3il
If you would like to help with Central Vermont's flood relief efforts, please donate to Capstone's Emergency Response Fund. Thank you!